by C&N Accountants | Jun 15, 2023 | ATO, EOFY, How To, Superannuation, Tax & Accounting, Tax Planning, Tax Refunds, Tax Tips
Did you know that you can make a concessional superannuation contribution and get $5000 or more as a tax refund this year? Super concessional contribution caps There is a limit on how much you can put into super each year from your pre-tax income. Such contributions...
by C&N Accountants | May 30, 2023 | ATO, EOFY, How To, Small Business, Tax & Accounting, Tax Planning, Tax Refunds, Tax Tips
Here’s a guide to the strategies you can use to minimise your business tax. What you should consider before June 30 this year. IS YOUR BUSINESS A “SMALL BUSINESS” ENTITY? Small businesses can access a range of tax concessions from the ATO. To qualify as a “Small...
by C&N Accountants | May 30, 2023 | ATO, EOFY, How To, Tax & Accounting, Tax Planning, Tax Refunds, Tax Tips
Now’s the time to review what strategies you can use to minimise your tax before 30 June 2023. Imagine what you could do with tax saved? You could: Reduce your home loan Top up your super Save for a holiday Save for a deposit for an Investment Property Pay for...
by C&N Accountants | May 26, 2023 | ATO, Finance, HECS-HELP, Tax & Accounting
The looming financial new year heralds an unwelcome extra cost for thousands of people who currently have HECS-HELP debts. This is because every unpaid debt is going to automatically increase when it’s indexed on June 1. In previous years, the HECS indexation...
by C&N Accountants | May 11, 2023 | Finance, Tax & Accounting, The Budget 2023 - 2024
In a response to increasing cost of living pressures, the Labor government’s second budget has put the spotlight on easing the impacts of rising inflation and driving wage growth. It is clear the Government is committed to achieving responsible and targeted relief for...