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Divorce, You, and Your Business

Divorce, You, and Your Business

Going through a divorce is tough, and it’s not just the emotional and financial strain you need to think about. Plenty of issues need sorting out, especially if you’re running a business. What Happens When There’s a Family Company? Suppose you and your partner have...

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Company Money Crackdown

Company Money Crackdown

The ATO is tightening its grip on business owners who dip into company funds or use company resources for personal purposes. It's not uncommon for business owners to blur the lines between their personal lives and their business, using company resources as if they...

ATO Sends a Clear Message on Trust Distributions

ATO Sends a Clear Message on Trust Distributions

The ATO is closely monitoring how trusts distribute income and to whom. Trust distribution arrangements have been under intense scrutiny in recent years, so trustees must carefully consider their steps before appointing or distributing income to beneficiaries. What...